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2009年12月9日 星期三

Battle Stations 2.0 新增項目(2009/12/08)

  • 新增一艘等級70級的船(Aeros)
  • 新增兩艘等級170的船(Expeditionary Outpost)
  • 等級130的船修改:Battleship/Dreadnought/Interdictor/Assault Carrier(提高容量及價格)
  • 新增的船需要戰鬥勳章才能獲得
  • 戰鬥勳章可從公會戰中取得
- 1 New Level 70 ship added (Aeros).
- 2 New Level 170 ships added (Expeditionary Outpost)
- Level 130 ships: Battleship/Dreadnought/Interdictor/Assault Carrier changes. (generally buffed and price increase)
- The new ships will require war medals. (the medals are not removed during purchase)
- War medals are earned through participation in clan wars.

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