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2010年2月26日 星期五


- 每小時增加3AP。
- 特殊活動:怪物活動:Hell Hound Attack

(3 Waves) 50 級以下: 1 寶箱

(3 Waves) 51-80級: 2 寶箱

(3 Waves) 81級以上: 3 寶箱
* 每位獲勝者可以得到Black Heart Crest.
* Spawn time is spread over weekend and not fixed.
* Lucky draw based on number of attempts. The more attempts the higher the chance.
* You are only eligible for 1 reward per weekend.
* Earn the event monster award!


-所有堡壘打撈時間縮短至 5個小時。


This weekend's event:
27 Feb - 01 Mar (Server time: 27 Feb 00:00)
- A.P': Additional rate of +3 per hour.
- Special Event: Monster Event: Hell Hound Attack!
Rewards for last hit and lucky draw:
(3 Waves) Level 50 and below reward: 1 Treasure Chest
(3 Waves) Level 51-80 reward: 2 Treasure Chests
(3 Waves) Level 81 and above reward: 3 Treasure Chests
* Each winner will also gets a Black Heart Crest.
* Spawn time is spread over weekend and not fixed.
* Lucky draw based on number of attempts. The more attempts the higher the chance.
* You are only eligible for 1 reward per weekend.
* Earn the event monster award!
27 Feb - 01 Mar (Server time: 27 Feb 06:00)
- all fortress salvage reduced to 5 hours.
- all fortress repairs disabled.
Starting at 27 Feb (Server time: 27 Feb 06:00)
- Event Start: All fortresses will be destroyed.
- 1 x fortress from each Tier will be repaired every 10 mins.
- The first wave will have 2 fortress repaired together.
- Repair timing is randomized.
You can check the timing from this link.

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