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2010年1月29日 星期五

Battle Stations2 公會戰控制台更新

  • 新的公會戰控制台畫面
  • 司令及公會頭兒可以對公會成員下簡短的命令訊息
  • 司令及公會頭兒可以在控制台內操控超級武器
  • 公會戰控制台僅會顯示前三個可攻擊的敵人堡壘
  • 公會攻擊冷卻時間增加到10秒
  • 近期將以測試網頁的方式呈現


- New war console for clan warring.
- Admirals and Clan masters can issue short command messages to display to members within the war console.
- Admirals and Clan masters can control the super weapon within the war console.
- The War Console will only show the first 3 enemy clan forts that are available for attacks. (You can use diplomacy to hide other forts if too many are up at the same time)
- Clan attack cooldown increased to 10 seconds.
- Will be available on the current clan war page as an alternative test page soon.

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